• Paula Abdul is an iconic pop star
  • She is best known to modern audiences from 'American Idol'
  • Abdul is taking a show executive to court for abuse

In yet another sexual assault story this 2023, Paula Abdul is seeking to have justice served after a long time of staying silent and in the shadows. The scandal, as juicy as it is jarring, has fans and foes alike on the edge of their seats!

Paula is airing out her grievances

The lawsuit, as sizzling as the L.A. sun, details a nightmare encounter where Abdul alleges Lythgoe cornered her in a hotel elevator, his hands making an unwanted tour of her body.

Lythgoe produced 'American Idol' during the peak of the show’s popularity in the 2000s and was last listed as a producer for the talent-based singing show in 2014. From 2005 to 2014, Lythgoe was listed as the producer and co-creator of 'So You Think You Can Dance.'

Abdul alleges Lythgoe committed the first sexual assault in a hotel elevator during the audition stage of the show's earlier seasons. "Lythgoe shoved Abdul against the wall, then grabbed her genitals and breasts, and began shoving his tongue down her throat," the suit claims.

"He tried to kiss me!" she recalls with horror, the memory as fresh as yesterday's gossip. But this isn't just a one-time tale of terror. Abdul claims Lythgoe's predatory pattern persisted, painting a picture of a power player who thought he was untouchable.

Abdul's bombshell suit doesn't stop at the assaults. She's calling out the whole shebang – from being paid peanuts compared to her male counterparts to enduring Lythgoe's verbal venom. "I was bullied," she asserts, her voice a mix of defiance and dismay. And with a claim that Lythgoe even groped her assistant, it's clear Abdul is swinging for the fences.

"Abdul attempted to push Lythgoe away from her. When the doors to the elevator for her door opened, Abdul ran out of the elevator and to her hotel room. Abdul quickly called one of her representatives in tears to inform them of the assault."

Abdul claimed she remained silent about the allegations fearing retaliation from Lythgoe, who she said had the power to fire her from her role as a judge on the show. During the second alleged assault, Abdul claims Lythgoe sexually assaulted her at his home after inviting her for dinner in 2014.

Dinner turned disaster

The saga takes another sickening twist with Abdul recounting a dinner at Lythgoe's lair that left her fleeing for the door. "He said we'd be an 'excellent power couple,'" she shudders, describing how she shoved him off and escaped his clutches. It's a tale that's got Hollywood holding its breath.

"Believing this to be a professional invitation, Abdul accepted," the suit said. "Toward the end of the evening, Lythgoe forced himself on top of Abdul while she was seated on his couch and attempted to kiss her while proclaiming that the two would make an excellent ‘power couple,’" the suit alleges.

"Abdul pushed Lythgoe off of her, explaining that she was not interested in his advances, and immediately left." Paula again claimed she remained silent about the alleged assault, fearing she’d be blackballed if she spoke out.

Abdul claims she witnessed Lythgoe sexually assault one of her assistants, identified in the suit as "April," while they filmed for 'So You Think You Can Dance' in 2015. Lythgoe "approached Abdul and April from behind, pressed himself up against April, and began to grope her. April did not consent," the suit alleged.

The suit also alleges that the Hollywood executive allegedly teased Abdul about his inappropriate behavior over the phone. "Lythgoe knew and was aware that his treatment of Abdul was inappropriate and even criminal," the suit states.

Also interesting:

With Abdul suing not just Lythgoe but the entertainment empires behind him – 19 Entertainment and FremantleMedia North America – the stage is set for a courtroom showdown that could rival any reality TV finale. As for Lythgoe, his camp's silence is as deafening as a dropped mic at a concert.

Stay tuned, folks, because this drama is far from over. Will justice be served? Will Abdul's courage inspire others? One thing's for sure – Hollywood's never seen a script quite like this.