Patrick Swayze Quiz

1/11 Patrick Swayze's mother was a famous...

2/11 Right or wrong? Patrick Swayze wrote the song "She's Like The Wind"

3/11 In which year did "Dirty Dancing" first premiere?

4/11 Who was Patrick Swayze married to?

5/11 What was Patrick Swayze's middle name?

6/11 Where did Patrick Swayze and his wife Lisa Niemi meet?

7/11 Right or wrong? Patrick Swayze was also in "Staying Alive"

8/11 Which animal was Patrick Swayze really passionate about?

9/11 In which project did Patrick Swayze star alongside Kirstie Alley?

10/11 True or False? Patrick Swayze was once named 'Sexiest Man Alive'

11/11 Which movie did Patrick Swayze co-star with Keanu Reeves?

Are you a true fan of Patrick Swayze? We have compiled the ultimate quiz about the late star of Dirty DancingPoint Break and Ghost. Test your knowledge right here!

Quiz: Are You A True Patrick Swayze Fan?

Good luck!