Oprah Winfrey has recently opened up about the profound personal growth she has experienced as she ages. In a candid discussion, she shared that with each passing year, she has become both stronger and wiser. This perspective comes from her deep reflections on life and the experiences she has encountered over the decades.

  • Oprah sat down with Al Roker
  • Their chat was about aging
  • Winfrey opened up on being 70 now

Oprah's reflections

Oprah emphasized that aging has not only enriched her life but also transformed her understanding of herself and her place in the world. She expressed a sense of empowerment that comes with age, noting that the challenges and triumphs she has faced have contributed to her increased resilience and wisdom. This evolution has allowed her to approach life with a greater sense of clarity and purpose.

"There is a sense of knowing that there isn’t as much time left and I am at peace with that knowing," she explained. "There’s a sense of urgency for me about living well." Winfrey then noted that the shift in perspective was amplified when she underwent knee surgery back in 2021. 

"I had been becoming more and more debilitated to the point where it was hard to walk down even two steps just to get into the car. You know that pain," she told Roker, who’s also had two knee replacement surgeries. "When I finally went to the knee doctor and I said, ‘I don’t know, is it time?’ He goes, ‘It’s time if you want to continue walking. You like walking? It’s time.’"

The conversation also touched on how age has influenced her personal and professional decisions. Oprah has embraced a more introspective and mindful approach, using her experiences to guide her choices and interactions. She highlighted that this newfound wisdom has helped her navigate complex situations with a more balanced and thoughtful mindset.

"I’d never been through surgery, was intimidated by it. The best thing I’ve ever done," she admitted. "I really felt like I’ve had a new opportunity to live inside my body in a way that I hadn't been able to for years because being overweight, and being overweight causing the knees to be even worse."

Winfrey said living in the present has been one of the greatest gifts, telling Roker, "Don’t be scared" about getting older.

Roker then shared that a therapist once told him that as people get older, the edges of people’s personality sands off. “But that in fact, it’s just the opposite," he said. "That age brings whoever you are into sharper relief."

"I think that is true," Winfrey agreed. "I think I have just aged into a form of myself that is wiser, that is certainly stronger, that is more vibrant and aware and conscious than I’ve ever been. I don’t feel that my edges are softening."

Also interesting:

Overall, Oprah Winfrey's reflections reveal a deep appreciation for the process of aging. She views it as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery, embracing the lessons learned along the way. Her journey underscores the positive aspects of growing older and the valuable insights that come from a lifetime of experiences.