• Kate Winslet looks back on her 'Titanic' days
  • She wants to set the record straight about some things
  • Kate has clarified her relationship with James Cameron 

Never one to shy away from the tough questions, Winslet breaks barriers and records, proving there's no water too deep for her to dive, both on-screen and off.

Titanic Truths Uncovered!

It's been years since the Titanic sailed into our hearts, but whispers of a rift between its star, Kate Winslet, and director James Cameron, have lingered like fog on the ocean. Until now! In a candid chat with Variety, the duo puts those rumors to bed faster than the ship hit the iceberg.

"There was never a rift between us," Cameron declares, setting the record straight. Winslet, reflecting on her post-Titanic days, admits the role of Rose left a profound impact on her, a testament to her deep dive into characters.

"She had a little postpartum depression when she let go of 'Rose'. She and I have talked about the fact that she goes really, really deep, and her characters leave a lasting, sometimes dramatic impression on her."

One month later, Winslet told the press that Cameron had "a temper like you couldn’t believe" and she was "genuinely frightened of him" at times. Looking back now, Winslet wishes there’d been a different narrative about their collaboration.

"There’s a part of me that feels almost sad that stupid, speculative 'Titanic' stuff at the time overshadowed the actual relationship I have with him," she told 'Variety'. "He knows I will be up for anything. Any challenge, any piece of direction you give me? I’ll try it."

Stunts galore...

Remember when Winslet swore off water-centric roles after her near-drowning experience on Titanic? Fast forward to 'Avatar: The Way of Water', and she's not just back in the deep end; she's setting records! Winslet outdid action star Tom Cruise by holding her breath underwater for an astonishing seven minutes and 14 seconds.

"Poor Tom," she quips, showcasing her newfound prowess and perhaps a hint of competitive spirit.

Winslet's record-breaking dive isn't just about physical strength; it's a mental triumph. Cameron praises her, highlighting the mental fortitude required for such a feat.

Winslet herself sees this achievement as a breaking of personal barriers, inspiring a hopeful outlook on future challenges. "I think we all decide these things about what our bodies are capable of, and what our minds are capable of. It gives one a sense of incredible hope about all the things I might still be able to try and do."

Also interesting:

With the third Avatar installment on the horizon, Winslet's journey with Cameron continues to evolve. Who knows? They may even do another film again very soon. Nothing is off the table it seems...and that's good for us!

From rumored rifts to record-breaking dives, their collaboration stands as a testament to the power of perseverance, talent, and the deep bonds formed in the most challenging of waters.