• Maisie Williams has been a star since she was a child
  • However, the actress went through tough times
  • She reveals what happened to her

In an interview with Steven Bartlett on the podcast The Diary Of A CEO, Game Of Thrones actress Maisie Williams spoke for the first time about her troubled past

The actress broke into tears as she talked about her traumatic relationship with her father. When Maisie was only four months old, her mother distanced herself from her father.

Maisie Williams was abused

"Well, as a young child before the age of, like, 8, I had a traumatic relationship with my dad. I don't want to go into it too much because it affects my siblings and my whole family", said Maisie Williams in the podcast.

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The Game of Thrones star continued: "I had a traumatic relationship with my dad and ever since I can remember I have struggled sleeping."

Although Maisie Williams no longer has to see her father, she still thinks about him often: "It's like all your problems don't just go away. You still care a lot about that person or the pain that led to those very, very poor decisions."

Nowadays, Maisie questions her father's actions: "It made me more interested in the guy. What could make you mistreat your own children? What happened to you as a kid?"

Ultimately, Maisie Williams notes that her father and the whole story would make a "fascinating documentary".