• Rebecca Holden starred in Knight Rider
  • She played "April Curtis"
  • Find out what the actress looks like today

If "Michael Knight" was ever in need of a computer and tech specialist, Rebecca Holden as "April Curtis" was his girl! She was one of the main reasons most of the teenage boys watched Knight Rider back in the day, and because of David Hasselhoff of course... 

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'Knight Rider' Reboot Movie Is In The Works

Knight Rider reboot movie 2020. David Hasselhoff starred in the '80s NBC series.

Check it out!

What does the acronym "K.I.T.T." stand for?

Knight Rider: Rebecca Holden played "April Curtis" 

'Knight Rider': Rebecca Holden starred as "April Curtis".

For more about what this lovely actress is doing today, make sure to check out the video