Do You Know The 'Pretty Woman' Star?

Julia Roberts Quiz

1/10 Where was Julia Roberts born?

2/10 What is Julia Roberts' middle name?

3/10 Which of these films gave Julia Roberts her breakout role?

4/10 True or false: Julia Roberts' niece is actress Emma Roberts.

5/10 How many children does Julia Roberts have?

6/10 What did Julia Roberts want to be when she grew up?

7/10 What is Julia Roberts' star sign?

8/10 Which singer was Julia Roberts once married to?

9/10 How many Oscars does Julia Roberts have?

10/10 True or false: Julia Roberts appeared in an episode of 'Friends'.

You may recognize Julia Roberts from iconic films such as Pretty Woman and Erin Brockovich, but what else do you know about her? Take our trivia quiz all about the actress to see just how familiar you are with her life and career!

Julia Roberts Quiz: Do You Know The Pretty Woman Star?

Good luck!