• Hulk Hogan is a wrestler and iconic TV personality
  • He became the face of professional wrestling in the 1980s
  • Now he has been involved in saving the life of a teenage girl

Hulkamania to the rescue! In a twist that reads like a script from the ring, former WWE star Hulk Hogan, 68, traded his iconic wrestling moves for real-life heroics in Tampa, FL. This story is bound to leave you with a warm feeling inside that real heroes do exist and can show up when we least expect it.

Hulk, save!

A teenage girl owes her life to the quick-thinking and brawn of the legendary wrestler after a harrowing car accident that could have ended in tragedy.

The drama unfolded when Hogan, alongside his wife Sky Daily and pal Jake Rask, witnessed a vehicle clip the girl's car, sending it into a dangerous flip. Without a moment's hesitation, the trio sprang into action.

"Last night, after we left dinner in Tampa, we saw a car flip in front of us!" Daily wrote on Facebook. "I truly admire my husband @hulkhogan and our good buddy @jakerask for springing into action, puncturing the girls airbag, and getting her quickly out of the car. By all appearances, she was unscathed, just really rattled, which is an absolute miracle!" Daily shared on social media, praising her husband and Rask for their swift response.

In a surprising reveal, Hogan took to Twitter to share the unlikely tool that aided the rescue: "The crazy part about the teenager that flipped her car was that without a knife to puncture the airbags to get her out, an Indian Rocks Christian [School] ballpoint pen came in really handy to pot the bags," he tweeted.

It's a testament to the quick wit and resourcefulness of the Hulkster, turning a simple pen into a life-saving instrument!

As if he needed another reason to be celebrated and beloved by fans all over the world, now he has a big one! Although he downplayed the incident, the girl and her family won't soon forget Hogan's heroics.

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Jake Rask reflected on the incident with gratitude, telling FOX 13, "We are just glad she’s OK, and God put us there at the right time." It seems fate had a hand in ensuring the right heroes were there to save the day.

in any case, it's a story for the ages! The lucky teen walked away with barely a scratch, and now she's got a tale that'll last a lifetime—rescued by none other than Hulk Hogan himself. It's a story that's sure to echo through the halls of Indian Rocks Christian School and beyond.

Hulk Hogan, from delivering body slams to breaking through airbags, your larger-than-life persona continues to inspire and amaze. Whatcha gonna do when Hulkamania saves you?