Justin Chambers, also known as "Dr. Alex Karev" on Grey's Anatomy for 16 seasons, announced his departure from the show on Friday to Deadline. Not only did the actor announce his departure from the show after 15 years, he also shared the news that his final appearance on the show has already aired.

Justin Chambers says goodbye to Grey's Anatomy 

"There’s no good time to say goodbye to a show and character that’s defined so much of my life for the past 15 years. For some time now, however, I have hoped to diversify my acting roles and career choices. And, as I turn 50 and am blessed with my remarkable, supportive wife and five wonderful children, now is that time. As I move on from Grey’s Anatomy, I want to thank the ABC family, Shonda Rimes, original cast members Ellen Pompeo, Chandra Wilson and James Pickens, and the rest of the amazing cast and crew, both past and present, and, of course, the fans for an extraordinary ride," Chambers expressed to Deadline

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Ellen Pompeo's reaction to Justin Chambers leaving Grey's

Since the shocking announcement that left fans pretty devastated, Vanity Fair tweeted "Grey’s Anatomy is about to feel one of its biggest losses yet," to which Ellen Pompeo replied, "Truer words have never been spoken," with a broken heart emoji.

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Chambers' final episode on Grey's aired on November 14th and during the November 21st episode, it was said that his character had returned home to take care of his mother. At this time, we are unsure how the show will explain his permanent absence.