In the action police series Hawaii Five-0, "Rachel Edwards", who later became known as "Rachel Hollander" by Claire van der Boom, was the ex-wife of characters "Danny" and "Stan". She appeared as a recurring character from seasons 1-2, season 5, and later seasons 7 to 9! 

Hawaii Five-0's "Rachel" today

After her work as "Rachel Edwards" on the series, Claire appeared in a handful of television shows including Constantine, Game of Silence, and Pulse

The Australian-born actress also appeared in three films in 2016: Valley Heist, the coming-of-age movie Dear Eleanor and Broke. In 2017, Claire starred in the romantic drama, Battlecreek, which was directed by none other than Clint Eastwood's daughter, Alison Eastwood! 

Her more recent works include two films of 2019: Palm Beach and American Exit. Palm Beach takes place in her home country of Australia, while the drama thriller American Exit, obviously takes place in America and stars comedian Dane Cook. 

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Claire van der Boom is also active in charity work! The beautiful actress has been an ambassador for the non-profit Save the Children for two years now! 

Lately, she's also been able to spend quality time in her home country acting, but this time on the theatre stage! She took part in the Shakespeare play, Macbeth, just last year in Melbourne!

As a Masters of Sex alum and master of theatre, van der Boom clearly has what it takes to be an international actress. We hope to see her more on screen!

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