• Heather Locklear was an American television and film actress
  • She became one of the major sex symbols of the 80s and 90s
  • Locklear's personal life has been embroiled in scandals recently

But despite her meteoric rise to fame, her life in show business did not come without its hardships. After her success in the 1990s, she mainly attracted attention with her excesses. Heather Locklear's downfall only became apparent after her last major role in Spin City, but many could already see turbulent times in her personal life coming up even earlier.

Is it too late for Heather Locklear to make a comeback?

Many things including substance abuse have plagued the actress. Unfortunately, Locklear hasn't been very lucky when it comes to love either. Locklear has had relationships with Tom Cruise, rocker Tommy Lee, Bon Jovi guitarist Richie Sambora, and Melrose Place co-star Jack Wagner...but nobody was her perfect match!

Also interesting:

Many fans have wondered if Locklear will ever be able to come back to the screen. Despite the fact that her age is much more apparent these days, people always love to see an underdog triumph, and Hollywood is no different. Watch the video above to learn more!