Charlie Sheen Quiz

1/12 What is Charlie Sheen's real name?

2/12 How many times has Charlie Sheen been married?

3/12 When did Charlie Sheen first portray "Charlie Harper"?

4/12 True or False? Charlie Sheen was married to one of his 'TAAHM' co-stars?

5/12 Why was Charlie Sheen fired from 'Two and a Half Men'?

6/12 How many children does Charlie Sheen have?

7/12 Charlie Sheen's ex-fiancée went on to get married to...

8/12 Which one of these actors is NOT related to Charlie Sheen?

9/12 In which movie did Charlie Sheen actually NOT appear?

10/12 Where was Charlie Sheen born?

11/12 What was Charlie's show after 'Two and a Half Men' called?

12/12 Charlie Sheen has won ONE major award: what was it?

Everybody knows Charlie Sheen from his role as "Charlie Harper" in Two and a Half Men. But how well do you really know the famous actor? Test your knowledge in our quiz right here!

Quiz: Do You Really Know the Life and Career of Charlie Sheen?

Good luck!