• Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed on set last year
  • A faulty prop gun went off and ended her life
  • Her family is now suing Alec Baldwin and others

It was the biggest tragedy in Hollywood of 2022. Hutchins' tragedy on the set of Rust, was absolutely the story of the year. The news became an international scandal as the investigations took hold, and many gun experts weighed in on exactly how this happened.

The Hutchins family wants reparations

The Guardian reports that Baldwin is now being sued by Hutchins' parents and sister. The lawsuit accuses Baldwin, armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed and others of "battery, negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress and loss of consortium."

Also interesting:

The lawsuit is separate from the criminal charges Baldwin is currently facing. The Hutchins family attorney, Gloria Allred, made a very strong case for finding Baldwin and others producers guilty and all counts. This is what she had to say...

Watch the video above to learn more!