The film, which delves into the early career of former President Donald Trump, showcases Stan portraying Trump with a distinctive approach. The newly released footage highlights Stan’s nuanced depiction, capturing both the mannerisms and the voice of Trump during his time on the reality TV show 'The Apprentice'.

  • 'The Apprentice' is almost ready for release
  • The first look has been laid out for fans
  • Sebastian Stan taken on the role of Donald Trump

The role of a lifetime

Stan’s performance is drawing considerable attention for its attention to detail and authenticity. The actor’s portrayal involves not just physical resemblance but also a vocal performance that mirrors Trump’s distinctive speech patterns. The footage underscores Stan’s commitment to bringing a realistic and engaging portrayal to the screen.

He is ready to take Hollywood by storm if this movie is a hit.

The film aims to explore Trump’s rise to prominence through the lens of his television career, offering viewers an insightful look into the personality behind the public figure.

 From writer Gabe Sherman, 'The Apprentice' is touted as “a dive into the underbelly of the American empire.” Martin Donovan also stars as Fred Trump Sr.

Set in 1970s America, the movie centers around Trump’s relationship with Cohn, who served as Senator Joseph McCarthy’s chief counsel during the Army-McCarthy hearings. Cohn was thrust into the limelight as a prosecutor for the U.S. Department of Justice at the espionage trial of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, leading to their execution in 1953.

'The Apprentice' premiered at the Cannes Film Festival in May, where it received an eight-minute standing ovation from the crowd. The film drew audible gasps for scenes depicting Trump getting liposuction surgery and another depicting him sexually assaulting his ex-wife Ivana Trump—who had claimed in a 1989 divorce deposition that Trump raped her, but later walked back the claim and said she felt "violated" but did not want the word "rape" to be "interpreted in a literal or criminal sense."

Also interesting:

Trump and his lawyers repeatedly denied the rape claim. 'The Apprentice' reportedly struggled to find a U.S. distributor because of its controversial content, though Briarcliff Entertainment secured distribution rights in August, three months after its Cannes premiere.