Undoubtedly, the "Joker" stands as one of the most iconic and cherished characters among superhero enthusiasts, particularly among 'Batman' fans. Portraying this sinister and unsettling character isn't just a coveted opportunity for many actors, but it also poses a significant challenge that not everyone can meet.
Jared Leto's Iconic Role
For Jared Leto, stepping into the ranks of iconic actors who've tackled the challenging role of the Joker meant more than just donning costumes and memorizing lines. He delved deep into character immersion.
Despite the controversial reception of 'Suicide Squad' upon its release and with Joaquin Phoenix's "Joker" overshadowing it a couple of years later, Leto's portrayal remains intriguing and distinctive.
Explore the gallery to uncover some secrets behind Jared Leto's "Joker" and understand why his performance is as unique and irreverent as the character itself.