In his latest public statements, Hanks has expressed deep concern over the advances in AI technology that allow for the creation of highly convincing fake images, videos, and audio recordings.

  • Tom Hanks has taken to Instagram
  • He has warned fans about deepfakes
  • THIS is Tom's take on what's happening with AI

Be careful out there

"There are multiple ads over the internet falsely using my name, likeness, and voice promoting miracle cures and wonder drugs," Hanks wrote on his Instagram page Thursday. "These ads have been created without my consent, fraudulently and through AI."

"Do not be fooled. Do not be swindled. Do not lose your hard earned money," he wrote.

Hanks’s apprehension centers around the increasing sophistication of AI tools that can generate deceptive content with alarming realism. These AI systems, capable of producing what's known as deepfakes, can create digital representations that closely mimic real people’s appearances and voices.

The implications of this technology are vast and troubling. Hanks pointed out that such realistic fakes can be used to manipulate public opinion, spread misinformation, and damage reputations.

The dangers of AI extend well beyond the realm of entertainment. Deepfakes and other AI-generated content have the potential to undermine trust in media and institutions. They can be employed to fabricate evidence, create false narratives, and deceive audiences into believing false information.

For instance, malicious actors could use AI to generate fake videos of public figures making controversial statements or participating in actions they never actually performed. This can lead to real-world consequences, including political manipulation, social unrest, and personal harm.

Additionally, the rise of AI-powered deception raises significant ethical and legal questions. As AI technology becomes more advanced, the challenge of distinguishing between genuine and fabricated content becomes increasingly difficult. This can erode trust in digital media and complicate efforts to combat misinformation.

The spread of deepfakes and other AI-generated fabrications could potentially lead to legal battles over privacy, intellectual property, and defamation.

Also interesting:

Hanks’s warning underscores the urgent need for increased vigilance and regulation in the realm of AI. As AI continues to evolve, it’s crucial for both technology developers and society at large to address these challenges proactively.

Ensuring that AI is used responsibly and ethically will be essential in mitigating its risks and preventing potential abuses.