At the recent Toronto premiere of 'The Piano Lesson', an adaptation of August Wilson's play, Denzel Washington had a reason to smile even brighter than usual. While he was there to celebrate his own film, it was his son, Malcolm Washington, who was stealing the spotlight with his latest achievement—his directorial debut.

  • Denzel Washington's son is directing
  • Malcolm Washington made his debut at TIFF
  • Denzel shared his thoughts on the red carpet

The family is strong

Denzel, ever the proud dad, couldn't contain his excitement about Malcolm stepping behind the camera. “I’m just so proud of him,” Denzel beamed, his pride as evident as a Hollywood Walk of Fame star.

Speaking with 'People', magazine on the red carpet, Denzel says, "I'm proud to be a part of August Wilson in some small way. I'm happy that people will get a chance to see what a filmmaker Malcolm is. I'm excited about our future together with August Wilson."

"It’s one thing to act and another to direct, and he’s really stepping up to the plate. He’s not just following in my footsteps; he’s making his own path."

Malcolm's new venture into directing is a major milestone, and Denzel was eager to share his enthusiasm. "Watching him grow from a kid in my shoes to a director in his own right—it’s been a fantastic journey," he said, with that familiar twinkle of fatherly pride in his eyes. "He’s shown that he’s got the chops, and I couldn’t be happier."

Denzel has always been known for his commanding presence on screen, but it seems like the apple hasn’t fallen far from the tree. Malcolm has already made waves in acting, and now, as a director, he’s adding a new layer to his impressive repertoire. "It’s incredible to see him take on such a big role behind the scenes," Denzel continued.

"He’s showing the same dedication and creativity that’s made him a standout actor." Malcolm's film is also dedicated to his mother Pauletta; before the closing credits roll, a title card reads, "For mama."

"This movie is so personal to me, and the people that I got to make it with are the closest people in my life," Malcolm previously told 'People' magazine at the Telluride Film Festival, where the movie had its world premiered. "My mom was at the center of it."

As Denzel watched the premiere of 'The Piano Lesson', it was clear that his support for his son is unwavering. "It’s a big deal for him, and it’s a big deal for me," he said. "Every step he takes is a testament to his hard work and talent."

Malcolm directorial debut is a testament to his skills and vision, and it’s clear that Denzel’s pride is well-earned. The father-son duo continues to make waves in the entertainment world, with Denzel’s legendary status and Malcolm’s burgeoning career promising even more exciting developments in the future.

Also interesting:

"A battle is brewing in the Charles household," a synopsis for the movie begins. "At the center stands a prized heirloom piano tearing two siblings apart. On one side, a brother plans to build the family fortune by selling it..."

As Washington stands by his son, cheering him on from the front row, it’s evident that this proud dad is relishing every moment of his son's burgeoning career. After all, seeing your child shine is a reward that’s worth more than any award or accolade.