Known for his monumental contributions to cinema, Coppola's recent conduct raises eyebrows and questions about professionalism in the glitzy world of Hollywood. This article dives deep into the heart of the scandal, uncovering the truth behind the headlines.

  • Francis Ford Coppola is being dogged by allegations
  • Abuse and harassment are the supposed misdemeanors
  • THIS is what happened on set

Hollywood is buzzing with the latest scandal to hit the silver screen, and at the center of it all is none other than Francis Ford Coppola, the mastermind behind cinematic classics. But this time, the spotlight isn't on one of his films—it's on his conduct on the set of Megalopolis, and the details are as shocking as they are disappointing.

The Kiss That Rocked the Set

Imagine being on set, ready for action, and suddenly, the director leaps forward, not with instructions, but with... a kiss? Yes, you read that right! Videos have emerged of Coppola, in what some are calling "old school" behavior, pulling female extras into unwelcome embraces and planting kisses, purportedly to "get them in the mood" for a nightclub scene. But when does motivation cross the line into misconduct?

New sources have now come forward to call the director’s conduct unprofessional with him "leaping up to hug and kiss several women, often inadvertently inserting himself into the shot and ruining it".

"I’ve worked with really important directors and that behavior is uncommon – the most I’ve ever seen any director do is say something like, ‘high energy, guys,’" a source said. "I’ve never seen anyone on set, and this extends to a camera operator, so much as touch an actor."

Reportedly after multiple takes, Coppola announced on a microphone: "Sorry, if I come up to you and kiss you. Just know it’s solely for my pleasure."

"In the mood" or not, the absence of a Human Resources department, due to the film being self-funded by Coppola, meant there was nowhere for complaints to go.

"Who were they supposed to talk to? Complain to Coppola and report Coppola to himself?" remarked a source to 'Variety.' It's a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play in the entertainment industry, where lines can blur, and accountability can vanish.

In light of these allegations, the film's executive producer, Darren Demetre, and first assistant director, Mariela Comitini, have come forward with statements painting the set as a "vibrant, professional and positive environment." However, with reports of Coppola's behavior being anything but professional, one has to wonder, at what cost comes this vibrancy?

A crew member said to the Guardian earlier this year: "It was like watching a train wreck unfold day after day, week after week, and knowing that everybody there had tried their hardest to help the train wreck be avoided."

When asked about the allegations by the New York Times in June, Coppola said: "My mother told me that if you make an advance toward a woman, it means you disrespect her, and the girls I had crushes on, I certainly didn’t disrespect them." He added: "I’m not touchy-feely. I’m too shy."

Yet, the footage and eyewitness accounts tell a different story, leaving many to question the gap between words and actions.

As the dust settles, the film industry and its onlookers are left to ponder the implications of Coppola's actions. With Megalopolis premiering to mixed reviews, it's clear that the real drama unfolded off-screen, casting a long shadow over Coppola's illustrious career.

Also interesting:

In Hollywood, where the lights shine bright, and the cameras are always rolling, this scandal serves as a stark reminder that actions speak louder than words, and accountability must be the cornerstone of creativity.