Despite her global fame, Swift has managed to stay grounded, a rarity in the glitzy world of showbiz. Norton's insights offer a refreshing glimpse into the life of the pop sensation, proving she's as relatable as she is talented.

  • Graham Norton loves Taylor Swift
  • He has opened up on her as a guest
  • THIS is what he had to say

Taylor Swift: The Girl Next Door

Graham Norton, the charismatic host of the U.K.'s hit series 'The Graham Norton Show', has had his fair share of celebrity encounters. With over 31 seasons under his belt, Norton knows a thing or two about what makes a guest stand out. And if there's one star who's left a lasting impression, it's none other than Taylor Swift.

"Taylor Swift might just be the most famous woman on the planet, but you'd never know it from talking to her," Norton shared on the 'Kylie and Jackie O' radio show. The popstar, who has graced Norton's couch four times, shines with a normalcy that's as endearing as it is surprising.

"She's so lovely and normal and just fantastic," Norton exclaimed, marveling at Swift's ability to remain humble amidst her staggering fame.

"I remember saying to her, you know, because she’s going on a big, long tour. And I said to her, ‘Are you worried about keeping your voice?’ And she went: ‘No, I write songs that are easy to sing,’" he said.

"She always has been super sweet. Like, she went from that gangly giraffe teenager country girl into a megastar, but has been the same from the beginning to the end. I love her. She literally decided ‘I will write easy to sing songs. And therefore, I need never worry about my voice because I’ll be fine.’ And also, now all the fans sing all of them."

Swift's approach to her music is just as grounded as her personality. Norton revealed that Swift opts to write "easy" songs to safeguard her voice during tours.

Not all of Norton's interviews have been as smooth, though. He candidly spoke about a less-than-stellar experience with actress Daryl Hannah, attributing it to her nerves rather than a clash of personalities. "Weirdly, she can do a play, but she’s terrified of a studio audience," Norton shared, offering a compassionate take on the challenges some stars face.

"Weirdly, she can do a play, but she’s terrified of a studio audience,” he reveals. "I guess being herself in front of a studio audience makes her terrified. I think they tried to make her do David Letterman once, and she walked out and fainted."

"So, she did our show, and bless her, she wasn’t a great guest. But what I loved was, because she got through it, afterwards she was high as a kite. She really felt like she’d done an amazing thing. And I was thrilled for her that she had gotten through it. It was still a very poor show."

Also interesting:

As Norton tours Australia with his one-man show, An Evening With Graham Norton, fans can expect more behind-the-scenes stories from the world of showbiz. If his tales of Taylor Swift are any indication, there's plenty of heartwarming and surprising revelations in store.