• Crown Princess Victoria begins special officer training 
  • This will prepare the Princess for her role as a future head of state 
  • She dons military gear for rigorous training

In a move that's breaking the royal mold, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden is back to school, but not just any school! The future Swedish Queen has donned camouflage and is ready to take on the world, military-style. Yes, you heard it right! The mother-of-two is now a cadet at the Swedish Defense Academy, embarking on a journey that's anything but ordinary for a royal.

Also interesting:

A royal in camo!

Imagine this: the serene halls of Karolinska University Hospital witness an unusual sight as Crown Princess Victoria, in full military uniform, arrives for her first day of officer training. It's not every day you see a royal taking notes among fellow cadets, diving deep into tactics, military science, and strategy. "With great anticipation, I continue my military education," says the Crown Princess, her determination shining as bright as her royal lineage.

Why the Military?

You might wonder, why the sudden shift from tiaras to tactical gear? Well, it's all in preparation for her role as a future head of state. The special officer training, a 20-month rigorous program, is set to equip Victoria with the knowledge and skills needed to represent Sweden and its Armed Forces with pride and precision. "My ambition is to represent Sweden in the best possible way in the future," she states, her commitment unwavering.

This royal endeavor means Victoria will take a step back from her usual royal duties, a sacrifice she's willing to make for the greater good. Balancing her role as a mother to Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar with her military training, Victoria is setting a new standard for royal responsibilities.

More about Swedish royals:

Not alone in the military march

Interestingly, Crown Princess Victoria isn't the only royal to swap ballrooms for barracks. From Belgium's Princess Elisabeth to Spain's Princess Leonor, it seems military training is becoming a rite of passage for future monarchs. A trendsetter in her own right, Victoria's military journey is a testament to her dedication to her future role as Queen.

Behind the soldier is a love story that rivals any fairy tale. Married to personal trainer Daniel Westling since 2010, Victoria's journey from royal engagements to military training is supported by a foundation of love and partnership. Decked in a stunning white satin dress by Swedish designer Pär Engsheden on her wedding day, Victoria's journey has been one of grace, determination, and now, tactical prowess.