• Actress Emma Roberts is a mom above all
  • She shares how she is balancing her work and persona lives
  • THIS is how she feels "mom guilt"

Emma Roberts, the star known for her riveting roles in 'American Horror Story' and 'Holidate', shares the joys and challenges of motherhood with her three-year-old son, Rhodes. With a mix of pride and vulnerability, Roberts delves into the financial freedoms and emotional hurdles of being a working mom in the limelight.

Financial Freedom and Mom Guilt

Emma Roberts is not just any Hollywood actress; she's a powerhouse of talent and a devoted mother, who's navigating the tricky waters of parenting with grace and grit.

"Now that I have been working so long, I can support myself and I can help out other people. And also, with my son, to just know that I can always support him on my own is a very freeing thing that I know is a huge privilege."

Emma also mentioned the way others can manage. "Some people can't and I just always want to encourage people to know that they can try."

She proudly says this, highlighting the sense of independence and responsibility she cherishes. But it's her role as a mother to Rhodes, whom she co-parents with ex-partner Garrett Hedlund, that brings a new dimension to her life.

The 33-year-old actress openly discusses the liberating feeling of being able to financially support her son on her own, a privilege she acknowledges not everyone has. Her message is clear and encouraging: "I just always want to encourage people to know that they can try."

However, it's not all glitz and glamour in the world of celebrity parenting. Emma touches on a topic many working parents can relate to - mom guilt.

"I have such mom guilt. I'm away from my son, working for 12 hours a day and then on the weekend I'm so tired and I feel like I'm not being my best self," she noted.

Emma pointed out, "The other side of that coin is I know that [he] will always know that his mom works really hard and loves what she does and therefore will always be able to support him." she confesses, detailing the struggles of long work hours and the exhaustion that follows.

Yet, Emma finds a silver lining, believing that her hard work sets a positive example for Rhodes, showing him that dedication and passion can coexist with family life.

Emma Roberts's journey as a mother is a testament to the strength and resilience of working parents everywhere. Balancing a successful career with the demands of parenthood is no small feat, yet Emma does it with a sense of purpose and a heart full of love for her son.

Also interesting:

Her story is a reminder that while mom guilt is real, so is the impact of showing your children the value of hard work and the importance of supporting oneself and others. Emma Roberts is not just raising a child; she's nurturing a future where independence and compassion go hand in hand.