• This was Dustin Diamond's cause of death
  • Diamond starred in 'Saved by the Bell'
  • He died aged 44

Dustin Diamond (44), the quirky and lovable "Screech" from 'Saved by the Bell,' faced his final bow, succumbing to the merciless grip of stage four small cell lung carcinoma. The news, confirmed by a rep in 2021, sent shockwaves through the hearts of fans who grew up with the actor's on-screen antics.

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In a statement that left many reaching for tissues, the rep disclosed, "He was diagnosed with this brutal, relentless form of malignant cancer only three weeks ago. In that time, it managed to spread rapidly throughout his system; the only mercy it exhibited was its sharp and swift execution. Dustin did not suffer. He did not have to lie submerged in pain. For that, we are grateful."

February 1, 2021, Dustin Diamond, best known for playing Screech on Saved by the Bell has died of Stage 4 Lung Cancer at

Lung cancer's menace unveiled

Diamond's battle threw a spotlight on the ferocious nature of lung cancer, the grim reaper of the cancer world. Claiming more lives yearly than breast, colon, and prostate cancer combined, lung cancer is a beast that often lurks undetected until it's too late (American Cancer Society).

With two main branches, small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), it's the former, the type that claimed Diamond, that's particularly notorious for its aggressive behavior. Making up about 15% of lung cancer cases, SCLC is a predator that waits for no one.

Fans and friends alike were left grappling with the reality of Diamond's sudden departure, a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing every moment. The actor, who brought laughter and joy to many, may have exited the stage, but his memory will continue to resonate in the halls of nostalgia.

Dustin Diamond, you will be missed, but your legacy as "Screech" will forever be etched in our hearts.