Who is behind Allvipp.com? We are a young and dedicated team that enjoys providing you with a wide variety of content from the world of celebrities every single day! From the British Royal Family to the celebs of Hollywood & the TV industry - we've got you covered!
Our Editorial Team:
Sarah Schulz: sschulz@promipool.com
Laura Pérez: lperez@promipool.com
Cynthia Springer: cspringer@promipool.com
Rachel Johnson: rjohnson@promipool.com
Lucas Anderson: landerson@promipool.com
Hayley Paskevich: hpaskevich@promipool.com
Amanda Stanford: astanford@promipool.com
Our Editorial Policy:
Allvipp.com is an entertainment news site and we want to make sure our users get the latest and most original content possible. We run a clean page that does not allow for copyrighted, explicit, graphic or violent content.
We are here to provide our users with good news from the entertainment industry. Our page is not a place for harassment, cyberbullying or the promotion of any form of hateful content towards minorities - and neither are the social media channels we use to distribute our content.