• The royal family follows a rigorous diet
  • Learn about the healthy diet followed by the royal family
  • Discover why royal food is considered an art form

I'm sure you've heard "eat like a king", so you can imagine that what they eat in the royal family is not short of being better than what's on film or offered in almost any establishment, but it's not that simple.

A special diet

Although we could go into more detail about the diet of each of the royals, what we are interested in knowing is what they eat, so we list some of the main dishes, side dishes, salads, and desserts they enjoy inside the palaces and castles.

Por orden del rey: royals tendrían que pagar su propio alquiler

What is important to note is that although the food they eat is definitely delicious, it has a high nutritional value and their cooks make sure they have balanced and nutrient-rich meals.

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